Another semester of teaching a 12 hour load of writing intensive classes is coming to a close. I'm left feeling creatively spent. It's time to refill the tank, so to speak. Time to read for fun, listen to new music, watch some Netflix, try some new recipes, grow herbs, travel...
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I'm in the middle of the craziest week of my school year -- the week that precedes Fringe Fest. Every spring semester for the last 11 years, I have produced staged readings of new 10-minute plays written by my Introduction to Playwriting class.
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I had the opportunity to read from an excerpt of my play, On the 8’s, this week with some fabulous actors. As a reading, some of the comic potential of staging wasn’t there. But it was still fun to hear it and watch it become embodied by a new cast. And these actors were such pros, finding so many great moments, even behind music stands.
It reminds me again of why I do theatre – theatre people are so much fun and full of energy. I think it was Madeline George who described a playwright as a poet who got lonely. I agree! Sometimes my motivation for writing plays boils down to creating an excuse to hang out with these people. It's as valid a reason as any.
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